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Born in Val Venosta, he has always remained very attached to his homeland. His ten siblings and he were sent to work on mountain farms during the summer. It was probably during these long summer months that Müller first understood what homesickness meant. And this homesickness is expressed again and again in his paintings. It is this strong feeling that evokes enthusiasm in the viewer every time. And the realization that this artist "paints with his soul".

Müller has worked out his style himself. Often his passion for painting did not let him rest, he painted late into the night. From his creative power emerged, among other things, various stage sets.
Today the artist has reached a point where he wants to develop again. This intention is reflected in the new, colorful motifs. Müller captures a ray of light on the water. Or he immerses the Vinschger Sonnenberg in a colorful palette. This is daring, but Müller is not a man of soft tones. All motifs brim with power and fully absorb the viewer's gaze.

Numerous exhibitions at home and abroad from 1975 on bear witness to the creative development of this not everyday nature painter.

Here are some highlights:

  • Gallery "Innsbrucker Werkstätte

  • Collective exhibition "Galleria Michelangelo" in Florence

  • Participation in the SAND-ART open-air exhibition in Sand in Taufers

  • Exhibition at the Palmenhaus Schönbrunn in Vienna  

  • Commission of a painting by Reinhold Messner for the Messner Mountain Museum in Bolzano. Pictured is Sigmundskron Castle on 3x1 m

© 2019 by Ernst Müller. Proudly created with

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